Alpe di siusi
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The Alpe di Siusi

The Alpe di Siusi is the largest alpine meadow of Europe. It is surrounded by breathtaking scenery. In 1974, the first natural park of South Tyrol was created here. With an area equivalent to about 8,000 soccer fields, 365 sheds, pastures, huts, lodges and countless hiking- and climbing paths, and mountain bike trails, the Alpe di Siusi is well-known for its vastness and natural beauty, an ideal locale for recuperation in the heart of South Tyrol. Like a huge open-air arena, the Alpe di Siusi is located in between the giants of the Dolomites, the Sasso Lungo-and Sasso Piatto, and the Sciliar, between 1,800 and 2,300 meters of height.

Travellers' Choice 2023
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